Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Thrill of the Embed.....

OK, so I actually had to look up the term embed just to make sure as to what I was to do. Once I got that straight, I realized I had done that yesterday with a video embedded into the Audio Sharing page in CMSimple.

Since the video embed was done, I started with the picture embed. Not too much issue with this one. Was easier to do it via the HTML code aspect of CMSimple. Since I was already in Photobucket, I played with the slide show thing and got that part done too.

And yes, I saved the best for last- the audio embedding. I didn't like ZShare yesterday and still have ill feelings towards it today. It will not let you embed audio files. Only videos. Odd application. And just think, I was the one that choose to use it..... hmmm..... I am starting to wonder about myself.

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