Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

As I sit and think about this semester’s course I can say that it’s easier to classify things into the good, the bad and the ugly. Some of the classifications are note as clear, since as time has gone on, adjustments within the course have occurred.

Not following the lead of the title, I’ll start with the ugly… not saying that things in the course have been ugly, I think that I will first define the term ugly. Ugly refers to those things that I consider not being high on my list of favorite. I am so accustomed to providing a detailed syllabus to my own students; I like being given guidance as to where the course will take me as the semester continues. This has improved within the early weeks of the course and it helped me see where the journey will take me. The other ugly deals with the number of emails that were circulating in the beginning of the course. Let’s just say that it was, hmmm….. Shocking. The battery on the Blackberry was draining so fast that it had to be charged every day. I’m just glad that the number is now more manageable. I now need to figure out an easy method of keeping track of which classmate’s assignment I have looked at and which I have rated.

Moving into the bad, I will look at those things that I consider okay about the course. Yep, neutral for me - I can take them or leave them. They did give me exposure to something that I may not have done before and allowed me additional knowledge that I would not have had without exposure from taking this class. I’m just not sure if I will use them in the future.

The first is using CMSimple. I am just not a fan of the application and I will leave it at that. I am not a writer either – blogging is not for me. With this in mind, the wiki-things are okay. I have used them before; I am just not a writer / author to desire to provide any input into the writings. With all this in mind, I have now more accounts that it is becoming fun trying to keep them all straight.

Like everything in life, talking about the good, things I have enjoyed, is the easiest to write about. Most likely, everyone will say that they have enjoyed exposure to using Wordle. Great application. I also enjoyed having to re-do my logo as well. Since the logo was not considered to instill a feeling of Web 2.0, it allowed me to find another software application that I will continue to use in the future (Logo Maker).

Second Life was a totally new application for me. Yes, it can be a little confusing trying to figure out “the rules”, but it provides a world / application that I have never been exposed to.

One of my favorite “assignments” of the course was the Introduction Video and the Web 2.0 Talk with Granny. This is where I am the most comfortable, since it allows my little brain to run free.

Overall, the course is going well. I feel better now than the first week and do look forward to see where we go from here.


  1. Rick, Nice compact analysis of what we have been up to so far. You sell yourself short as a writer, your sense of humor, combined with your insights make your posts a pleasure to read. Looking forward to where this class takes us as well.

  2. Yes, I think you are a fantastic writer! I don't know about you, but I find that blogging regularly is helping me to find my voice. While I don;t consider myself a strong writer, I enjoy it very much and trust that I will improve with practice.

  3. Rick I love your comparison of the good, the bad, and the ugly. great movie by the way:) I agree with the challenge of blogging and definitely trying to make sure we have read. Responded and rated everyone's posts. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, you really do write well.

  4. Haha.... I think I have all of you fooled with my writing skills.... lol
