Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The first Week....

So, this is the first entry of my blog..... and since I should look at the first week of this course, I will get right to it.

Go to my CMSimple site - http://www.tropicalteachers.com/web2.0/2010sp/r2f/

Have a look around. It will give you a general idea of what I thought about the first week of class.

I am usually a laid back, low key, odd individual. But the number of emails that went through the BlackBerry actually got on my nerves enough to stress me. Shocking since I am such an email orientated person. I tend to over email my own students to keep them abreast of things that are coming up, etc. Maybe it was the fact that all the replies were coming through the BB. Now that I think about it, I realize that I don't hear back from most of my students, so I am the emailer and not the emailee.

I am also a syllabus person, whether I am this way naturally or not. It is what I have been raised to be. I have become used to giving guidance as to what will be expected, what will be done over time and how everyone will get there. Having no syllabus, no schedule of topics was a little unnerving for me.

I like puzzles, but I really like knowing what I will be doing to get the puzzle completed.

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