Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Think of the Web as a big bathroom wall. And everyone has a marker.

Looking at the projects of the Wikimedia Foundation, I found my first spark of interest - Wikiquote. Wikiquote is a collection of quotes from notable people. And of course, non-notable people as I soon found out. I'm definitely not a quoter, but I do know people that are. Maybe this is where they get some of their quotes from, but who knows. I guess I figured I'd take a look and see.

Initially looking at the site, it was pretty easy to navigate around. Sure I could look up quotes from highly respected people.... but that is so not me. I went into the anonymous area. After all, I prefer to see the odd ones that unknowns will have said.

OK, so there were a lot of really good, funny quotes to be able to pick a favorite one. Besides the title quote, here are two more:
  • Better a smartass, than a dumbass.

  • It's not cheating, it's creative sportsmanship.

1 comment:

  1. Tonight, I was randomly searching for a quote from one of my favorite Clint Eastwood westerns to put on FB for 'famous quotes week' and Wikiquote came up in my Google search. After finding great lines by Blondie and Tuco, I took a stroll through some of the less known quotes. I agree with you that it may not be the most intellectual resource but it sure is good for a chuckle.
