Monday, February 22, 2010

Cups of Stuff.....

OK, so I am "making" some more accounts. I have a cup full of them now. I think I really need to move each to it's own cup and label it so I can keep all of them straight.

I took the short road to the video sharing account- I will use You Tube, since we have already have used it in this class.

The picture sharing thing is new to me. I tend to just email a picture if I want someone to see one. Who wants to see my photos anyway?

The audio sharing thing is just down right odd. I created an account with SoundBoard. No problem there. Problem does come up when all of a sudden my Norton Security says the site has issues. Sweet. I will not return to the site and you will notice that I did not give you a link to the site......

Next I tried ZShare- seems to be really bland in appearance. Probably nicer if you upgrade to the Premium account. And I don't have any earthly idea on how "Friends" are added or see my files. At least Norton did not pick up any issues with the site.

I did upload one file into each of the newer accounts, just to have something in the "cups". As for the linking to the other accounts....... hmm.....

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