Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Commons......

I love images. They can be used to convey feelings, provide visual memories in your audience and even give subliminal messaging. Trying to locate something that I liked visually while following the rules of the game (no restrictions) was a little time consuming and tough to do. I did run across The Commons early in my search, but finding a picture that I wanted to use was the tough thing.

The Commons is a pilot project that involves the partnership of Flickr with The Library of Congress. From the enormous collection of photographs, The Library choose approximately 1,500 from each of two collections to show on Flickr.

According to the The Commons site, the program has two objectives. The first is to increase access to publicly-held photography collections. The second is to provide a way for the public to contribute information and knowledge. If you want more information on the Rights and Copyrights, then please visit this site.

So, the real question is whether I would contribute something wonderful to anyone and everyone. To allow them to use it as they choose, when they choose and how they choose?

Sure I would. Over the years, I have given orofacial anatomy tutorials that I have created, to any one that wanted them. They are publicly available online on both GTCC's dental websites and The Toothful Exchange. I have also given many clinical images to anyone that needed them. This includes students, faculty, other schools and to be used in textbooks. I think half the fun of making tutorials or taking clinical photographs is to share them with others.

1 comment:

  1. That's a great point that part of the fun of teaching is sharing the information that you know with others- even if it isn't just your students.
