Monday, February 22, 2010

OK, this one is just odd.....

Coming up with an audio sharing application was interesting. The original one that I wanted to use was having issues with my Norton. So I decided on ZShare.

I really am not sure if I like this application at all. And yes, it worse than what I feel for CMSimple.

ZShare is bland, confusing to use, does not allow or at least I could not figure out how to link to other sites and it allows you to earn $ (this is typically a good thing) by downloaded your file to some sort of Yaboe account. I did not even want to go into that area if i was feeling so good about the ZShare. I have no idea as to how you invite friends, that's if you can, I have no idea who any other members are. As a matter of fact, I am not even sure where you go when you link to my ZShare profile.

The best thing is that I can delete my files once I am done with using it in this class.

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